Indonesia's blogoshpere has new blogger: Juwono Sudarsono. Yeah, the minister of defense. You can read his postings at This site is primarily a weblog. It is a personal blog containing Juwono Sudarsono interest, views, opinions and activities. But how do we differentiate his views as a blogger and a minister when it comes to defense issues like the military business?
Well, the blog contains Juwono's personal activities, like being a grandfather. But I can't help to comment on his latest post under the title Military business and the reform process. Juwono wrote...
Most domestic and foreign analysts, particularly NGOs, incessantly find fault with almost anything and everything the TNI (especially the army) did, is doing and will do in the future. The anti-military tone is partly in the nature of most NGOs anywhere, and is deeply rooted in the liberal western lexicon of “civilian supremacy” or “civilian control” and the predictable language of “transparency and accountability.
And then he fired criticism on Human Rights Watch (HRW) latest report as follows:
The HRW June 2006 report is understandably unsympathetic to such realities, given that its framework and paradigm rests on the assumption of standards of “professionalism and transparency” taken for granted in developed countries. HRW Asia was also mindful that in the wake of the TNI’s exemplary role in the rescue and rehabilitation efforts of the post Tsunami in Aceh in 2004-2005 and the recent earthquake in Central Java, the TNI’s image at home and abroad had soared. The lifting of the US restriction of spare parts to the TNI also took the wind of the anti-Indonesian lobby in the US and Western Europe.
Well, it's hard to say this is Juwono's personal view. I bet this is the ministry's or the government's stance.
But I do like his views on non-defense issues, like his post on Debate on Pancasila.
Or his observations on the recent CGI meeting under the title: More Humility in Development Planning. He wrote that...
Everyone at the meeting agreed that governance was the central issue. Somehow, during the presentations I began to muse that beyond the talk about boxes, charts, figures, time lines and target dates, I felt that there was a bit too much of linear technocracy thinking. Discussions about road "maps" and "architecture" of the recovery process need to consider the more fundamental human and cultural factors.
But he seems to mix things up (personal or institutional views) in the US Secretary of Defense post as follows:
I responded that Indonesia understood the US concern about the dangers of prolifertaion of weapons of mass destruction and other hazardous materials related to international terrorism against US interests and US security within continental United States.
Anyway, it's good to have such an important figure in the blogosphere. But again, would be better if Juwono post his views on non-defense issues. Keep blogging, Sir!