Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Harrods will be in Jakarta, Sir!

I once entered The Harrods, an upmarket department store on Brompton Road in Knightsbridge, London. It was eight years ago when I studied in England. I bought a T-shirt for a price that I will never forget just because that time rupiah value against poundersterling stood at 20,000.

So I said to myself that might be my first and last shopping at The Harrods. But I may have the chance again here in Jakarta as Bisnis Indonesia reported today that Harrods is among European department store giants which will immediately fill the retail space in Jakarta.
I'm not surprised. More and more people here are wealthy enough to buy everything in Harrods like notable England or Royal Family no matter how misserable life have been for most of Indonesian. Surveys shows more than 1 million people in the country with more than US$100,000 deposit, including executives at the state-owned enterprises.
We have at least thousands of executives at SOEs with net income more than US$100,000 per year. And while the salary for our civil servants well below US$5,000 per year, thousands of them could make millions of dollar per year from corruption and nepotism. On top of these we have thousands of legislators (DPR and DPRD) with income more than US$100,000 per year. Multiply that with their wives or kids, a million people could be easily reached. This is Indonesia, Sir!



Blogger CIAO ITALIA! said...

saya blm pernah ke dan belanja di Harrods. tapi pastinya banyak orang RI yang mampu.

slm knl

June 14, 2006 10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

beberapa tahun yang lalu Harrods pernah menumpang di Takashimaya Singapore dgn luasan yang cukup besar namun minat beli kurang sehingga sampai saat ini konternya semakin kecil dan (mungkin) hanya menjual teh, tas palstik dll. Harrods akan buka di Jakarta...??? wow...!! di Singapore saja gak bisa hidup kecuali di Jakarta dgn 1 juta penduduk berpengahsilan diatas US$.100.000. bravo bravo bravo

June 14, 2006 10:08 AM  
Blogger Nad said...

greetings! thanks for the post. i'm especially interested in the survey. can you tell me more about it (eg. the source). you can answer here or email me at tjipoetatquillAThotpopDOTcom. thanks.

June 16, 2006 9:50 PM  

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