Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Wider cracks at Democratic Party

The cracks at Democratic Party led by Hadi Utomo, president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's brother-in-law, is getting wider with the recent internal friction at Banten province branch ahead of gubernatorial race schedule in November.

But Hadi denied the cracks and told Antara news agency that the nomination of Banten governor candidate has nothing to do with internal friction in the party that helped SBY to a unanimous victory in 2004 presidential election.
Central Board of Democratic Party had dismissed Usamah Hisyam, a former journalist, as the party's Banten branch chairman accusing Hisyam of violating the party's policy on Banten gubernatorial race.
Hisyam nominated himself as the party's candidate for the race while the central board tend to support Irsyad Djuweli, a Golkar Party cadre who also secured support from PPP (Islamic party). Hisyam rejected to pull out from the race and registered his candidacy on Saturday.
Two candidates have secured their respective parties support. They are Ratu Atut Chosiyah (Golkar & PDI-P) and Zulkiefliemansyah (PKS).
Read my previous articles:
1) Banten Governor Candidate (1): Ratu Atut

2) Banten Governor Candidate (2): Zulkiefliemansyah

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

When does Demokrat party just merge with Golkar? Not much difference and if SBY can control Golkar, then he will be more firmly in control of nation

September 06, 2006 11:59 AM  

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