Thursday, March 16, 2006

Amien Rais, Too Late the Hero

Former Assembly Speaker Amien Rais is the most active politician in the last few months, at least from public appearance.
Media love his 'harsh statements', such as...Freeport committed three major crimes...Don't be afraid of America, just close down Freeport operation...or illogical things such as...Freeport could resume operation as long as it could bring back the mountains...
I am 100% believe that Freeport committed wrongdoings, but I'm 100% sure our leaders (military and civilian) had contributed something in those problems. At the end of the tunnel, I believe also that someone would take benefits or losses out of this debacle.
Amien then jumped on the wagon of opposition towards government on Cepu settlement, in which both ExxonMobil and Pertamina agreed to have ExxonMobil as the operator of the block. He expressed his anger and uncrontrolled emotion with brand new accusation...I'm sorry to say that this administration has been involved in major corruption scandal...or...I don't know who the hell whispered them (government) to make this decision...
To make the case, Amien need friends. So he met former vice president Try Sutrisno Thursday night. DPD member Marwan Batubara, legislator Alvin Lie and Drajad Wibowo, and ICMI Chairwoman Marwah Daud Ibrahim were by his side. Amien said he can't sleep well since ExxonMobil won the operatorship.
But Amien was not lucky. Try's friends, former presidents Abdurrahman Wahid and Megawati Soekarnoputri, and former House Speaker Akbar Tanjung were not there. Wahid, Try, Megawati, Wiranto, and Akbar get together quite often in the last few months, but Amien was not member of the group. So, they must thought like this...why Amien need us now while he never show up whenever we sit down and criticize government on various issues in the past? Or, OK, so he need us when he has agenda?
I have to say, Amien is too late the hero in Cepu debacle. He was the Assembly Speaker when Pertamina approved the acquisition of Humpuss remaining shares in Cepu block back in June 2001. That was the critical moment of truth for the Exxon to get 100% control over Cepu block. Where was Amien then?
Another critical moment is when government-sanctioned negotiations team signed the memorandum of understanding with ExxonMobil in June 2005. Based on the MoU, government then awarded the cooperation contract (KKS) in September 2005 in which government agreed upon 85% revenue split from Cepu, and 15% for contractors. Government also agreed that the contractor shareholding at 45% for Pertamina, 45% for ExxonMobil, and 10% for local administrations.
Did you ever read Amien's opposition to this agreement? Operatorship agreement, signed yesterday, actually the derivative of the KKS, technical issue that less significant than the KKS. Amien justify his accusations based on the JOA.
Well, Amien apparently is too late to learn the facts and just too fast to judge, accuse, and talk. Amien should do his homework, to learn more to be a wise man. Otherwise, he is just a horse for those who are smart enough to ride on him.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

jika Pak Amien ga gaptek, sudah seharusnya dia membaca blog ini.. dan menyadari bahwa dia sedang dijadikan kuda tunggangan.

March 17, 2006 4:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you believe to this bulshit blog, it means you are more stupid than the writer of this blog...

who is the writer? no one konows his commitment to our nation.

April 10, 2006 3:39 AM  
Blogger unikster said...

I think it s a good input, anyway, regardless who was saying it. though it is admitted that the world is becoming more emotional, but it doesnt mean that we are free to throw , what s the writer said' harsh statements'. in our daily life, will you listen to someone who call you 'stupid' just to recall your mistakes? No, rite?. it s kinda fire, i guess. And what Amien brought is something bigger than a truth. It's about other's prosperity and life, which carrys alot of responsibilities. If this matter was just blwed away cos was burned by the 'fire', an dthe worse, people will just think it s a temporary action, then its just gonna wasteful. And i think this case has emerged since a long time ago, anyone can help me to recall the exact time?. Personally i aggree to investigate the case, but Amin should do it in more intelligent way.

my blog:

May 12, 2006 1:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yosef ardi calon komprador. maklum kalau dia buta dengan kepentingan bangsa indonesia! berantas calon-calon komprador indonesia!

June 04, 2006 9:58 PM  

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