Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Dulmatin shot dead? Obama will give out US$10 Million!

We're just weeks away from the visit of US President Barrack Obama when media reported today that the most wanted terrorist Dulmatin has been shot dead in police raid.
Dulmatin, mainly linked to the 2000 Bali bombing, reportedly shot dead in an Internet kiosk in Pamulang, Tangerang, Banten province. Police has yet confirm about that. Police only announced three people shot dead in the raid.
Terrorist observer Al Chaidar, meanwhile, told Tempointeraktif.com that it's Umar Patek, Dulmatin's associate, who was shot dead, not Dulmatin."According to my sources within the Jamaah Islamiyah and Darul Islam, they believed it's not Dulmatin," Chaidar said.
The US State Department has offered a reward of US$10 million for information leading to the arrest of Dulmatin and $1 million for Umar Patek. Interestingly, Straits Times reported on February 9, 2010 that Dulmatin was still alive in the Philippines despite earlier reports of his death. "I believe, from what my sources say, he is still in Sulu, southern part of Philippines," Major General Juancho Sabban, the head of the Philippine Marines was quoted by the newspaper.
Sidney Jones, senior advisor at International Crisis Group, admitted she's not sure about whether Dulmatin is shot dead. "I'm not sure it's Dulmatin because he's reportedly in Mindanao. If he returned to Indonesia, with whom?"
Intelligence observer Wawan Purwanto, meanwhile, said it is likely that Dulmatin has been shot dead."Fingerprint convinced us it's Dulmatin, but we have to wait the DNA test," Wawan said.
Detik.com source, meanwhile, claimed Dulmatin AKA Joko Pitono often came to Jakarta for garment business. As of 8PM, police have identified two corpses as R and H. The other body is identified as YI or Yahya Ibrahim. DNA test on "Dulmatin" is being carried out. The results will be announced in three days.
Well, if he will be confirmed as Dulmatin, President Obama might give out US$10 million to Indonesian police. No? Obama's schedule is not clear yet. But Indonesian officers confirmed Obama will not cancel the visit (again).




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