Saturday, February 27, 2010

Exchange Threats over Century

President SBY's special staff for legal affairs Denny Indrayana claimed one political party tried to exchange a legal case with softer tone on Century case investigation. Andi Arief and Velix Wanggai, SBY's other special staffs, "threatened" to file a police report on Muhammad Misbakhun, politician from Prosperous Justice Party (PKS).
"(We had reported the case) to Special Task Force to eradicate mafia in the judicial system. Our plan is to report the case to National Police," Andi Arief said. Well, they don't have to tell public about that. If they know someone committed crime, go straight to the police and provide evidences.
"One party was ready to change its stance in the Century case as long as the President is willing to negotiate on legal case," Denny said. It's better for Denny to publish the name of the party as well, otherwise his statement is worthless.
Earlier we had read ridiculous threats exchanged by politicians from SBY-Boediono's ruling coalition. Corruption on procurement of cows for the poor, allegation of bribery in the election of senior deputy governor, tax evasion allegation, etc. Bring them all to court! We're tired of statements. Actions speak louder!
Demokrat leader threatened to kick out members who are not loyal to the President. "Now we know who are friends and enemies," Amir Syamsyuddin, secretary general of Demokrat said. Well, then make up your mind!

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