The First Lady & 2014
The 2014 presidential election is still four years away. But senior high students visiting the State Palace yesterday have raised a tough question to the First Lady Ani Yudhoyono about the possibility of becoming president. First Lady downplayed the possibility saying "Never think of replacing Pak SBY someday. I'm not Hillary Clinton."
Well, some people in SBY's Demokrat Party, including party secretary general Amir Syamsuddin, love the idea to promote the First Lady to become the new chairperson of Demokrat Party, replacing his brother in law Hadi Utomo.
The First Lady, according to Amir, has lots of ideas to lead and develop the party. Ani's younger brother Hartanto Edhie Wibowo is the head of state-owned enterprises affairs at Demokrat Party, while his youngest son Baskoro Edhie Wibowo is also executive at the party and a legislator (member of House Commission I, in charge of international affairs and ICT).
The First Lady's name is mentioned in George J. Aditjondro's controversial book: Membongkar Gurita Cikeas; Di Balik Skandal Century, when he discussed about various foundations. One of foundations linked to the First Lady is Yayasan Mutumanikam, where, according to the book, the convicted businesswoman Artalyta Suryani was a treasurer. Artalyta is known by public as "middle-person" for businessman Sjamsul Nursalim.
The First Lady's sister, who is married to Gatot Suwondo (CEO of Bank BNI), is also mentioned in George's book for her role at Jurnal Nasional newspaper. George said that the family of Boedi Sampoerna, through Soenaryo, has "injected" Rp150 billion into Jurnal Nasional.
Labels: Bank Century, Demokrat, Gurita Cikeas, President SBY
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