Crown Royal Saloon for officers

Cabinet members and leaders of major institutions like People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), The House of Representatives (DPR), The Regional Representative Council (DPD), and others will ride on the new luxury US$140,000 Toyota Crown Royal Saloon starting New Year 2010.
DPD Chairman Irman Gusman said all the leaders of State institutions will ride on the new 3000cc car to replace Camry they're riding on. The plan already drew criticism from Lukman Hakiem, deputy head for expert council at United Development Party (PPP), member of SBY-Boediono's ruling coalition. "It's just a proof of insensitivity of this administration," Lukman criticized.
Mabruri, spokesperson for Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), also another coalition member, considered Crown Royal Saloon too expensive. Hopefully ministers and leaders from these parties would start the movement to "reject" the Japanese Emperor car.
Environmental minister Gusti Muhammad Hatta enjoys the new car in its first day in service this morning. "Thank You to the President. It's quite within the car," he said with a big smile, reported.
The cars have been delivered to ministers. Some even got new cars last week.
Well, we have about 50 cabinet members (including vice ministers), five MPR leaders, five DPR leaders, five DPD leaders, plus ministerial-level institutions like BPN (??), Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), Supreme Court (MA), Constitutional Court (MK), Bank Indonesia governors (??). Let's make it 100. Total cost might be US$14 million (assuming the State would pay luxury tax, like others!). According to, the House of Representatives (DPR) had approved last month the use of State budget Rp62 billion to pay the tax for these cars.
Oh, and usually, governors all over the country will follow, because they think they're the same level with ministers. So, add that up with another 32. Some bupatis might think, well, "I'm the King in this regency, so I need the same car like other 'royal officers". Add up with another hundreds etc.
What a "good marketing" for the car dealer. Which company won the tender?
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