Friday, November 06, 2009

The tale of MK & Success Team

National Police Chief Bambang Hendarso Danuri disclosed to legislators at House Commission III hearing last night that someone identified as MK, a public figure and close friend of CH, received Rp17 billion (slightly below US$2 million) from those implicated in Masaro Radiokom bribery scandal.
The Police Chief declined to disclose the full name of MK. PDI-P legislator Gayus Lumbuun asked whether MK is MS Ka'ban, former forestry minister. "Something like that," Hendarso replied. MS Ka'ban was forestry minister, while the bribery scandal implicated legislators from various parties. Masaro was a supplier of radio communication system to forestry ministry. 
MS Ka'ban, according to media reports, was the one who declared Gerakan Pro SBY or Pro SBY Movement, which "voluntarily" campaigned for SBY-Boediono in July 8 election. Nobody knows, if it is true that MK who received Rp17 billion is the same guy we're talking about, how he spent the money. Neither we knew how Gerakan Pro SBY funded its operations nationwide during the campaign. No information provided about the relations between MK mentioned by police and Gerakan Pro SBY.
But as a friend said "being an active member of success team of one president candidate doesn't guarantee a seat in cabinet nor freedom from corruption prosecution. It's just your bad luck, you bet on someone, you think you win because he won, but you get caught for raised funds illegally."
"Even if you got the funds from bribery and spent all of them in the success team, it is not a guarantee that you'll be protected. You might get that temporarily, but as soon as you're not in the inner circle, not in a regular contact with the winner, you're alone, and that's the risk you should have calculated right from the beginning," another friend said.




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