5 Minister candidates failed medical test?
Five minister candidates for SBY-Boediono reportedly failed medical test. One for heart problem, three failed psychological test, and one has hepatitis C.
"DK failed due to heart problem, while ML, MA, and NDM failed psychological test, while PY reportedly has Hepatitis C," someone who claimed got information about the medical test on 36 minister candidates said. "But all of them finally classified "fit" for the ministerial job, even though three were identified not be able to work under pressures," the source further said.
Detik.com speculated that Nila Djuwita Moeloek, candidate for health minister, failed medical test because of "old age". The online publication then speculated on new candidate for health minister identified as Dr Endang Sedyaningsih.
Meanwhile Kompas.com reported that four minister candidates---NDM, MA, SU, and SM---failed medical test.
But Hatta Rajasa, state secretary minister and candidate for coordinating minister for the economy, dismissed the speculations about five candidates. Hatta said "that's not true. All candidates passed the test."
Others busy to speculate that the medical test could be used by certain groups to "block" someone in a particular post.
Whoever will replace Siti Fadilah Supari has to deal with her October 16 letter (No. 919/Menkes/X/2009) to US government about the termination of cooperation with Naval Medical Research Unit 2 (Namru). Fadilah cc-ed the letter to foreign affairs, defense, coordinating minister for people's welfare, and state secretary ministers.
Labels: SBY-Boediono
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