Saturday, August 08, 2009

If he's not Noordin M Top

More and more people shared the doubts over Noordin M Top had been killed in police raid in Temanggung, Central Java.
Rohan Gunaratna, head of Singapore's Center for Violence and Terrorism, even claimed the DNA test confirmed that the dead body is not Noordin's. "He is not dead yet, because DNA test proven the dead body is not Noordin M Top," Gunaratna is quoted by on Saturday.
Sidney Jones, director of International Crisis Group, also doubted the dead body is Noordin. "I think, most likely it's not him (Noordin)," Ms Jones said. But she believe Noordin can be arrested soon especially after police intensified raids in various areas. "I think police gets new information each time they arrested someone, and eventually will point to Noordin," Jones said.
TV stations widely broadcasted the "live gunfire" in Temanggung where someone reportedly replied police question saying "I'm Noordin M Top" from within the house. In relation to the gunfire, some have also started to question whether there were exchanges of gunfires between police and the man "suspected" as Noordin.
Military commander Djoko Santoso congratulated police for the "success" in raids of terrorists hide-outs in Temanggung, Central Java and Bekasi, West Java. As to why it took 18 hours to end the "gunfires", Santoso said "may be police wanted to get Noordin arrested alive."




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