Terror Groups
Investigation on masterminds of Jakarta bombings that killed nine people and injured over 50 people leads to terrorist group known as Cilacap Group, based in Cilacap, Central Java.
Some reported that Baharudin Latief AKA Baridin, leader of Cilacap Group, (some said he has been detained but others doubt), had informed police that the suicide bomber at JW Marriott last Friday is one of his members. But police has yet to confirm. DNA test is being conducted to confirm whether the suspected member, Nur Hasdi AKA Nur Sahid AKA Nurhasbi, is the suicide bomber.
Baharudin's group reportedly has eight members, two of them might be the suicide bombers. Early last week, police found two bombs and explosive materials in the backyard of Baharudin AKA Bahrudin, leader of Al-Muaddib Islamic boarding school in Binangun, Cilacap.
June 21, 2009, police arrested Saefudin Zuhri and Abu Dujana from their homes in Cilacap, Central Java. Zuhri is considered a supplier of explosives to Palembang Group (to be explained below). Zuhri is described as nephew of Bahrudin. Bahrudin is a mysterious man. His neighbors even don't know the man who married Bahrudin's daughter Ariani Rahma three years ago. Some speculate that Noordin M. Top is the guy who married Rahma.
Palembang Group
Last April, Central Jakarta district court sentenced 18 years prison for Muhammad Hasan AKA Fajar Taslim, known as member of Palembang Group terrorism network. Hasan's colleagues, Ali Masyudi and Wahyudi, were sentenced 10 and 12 years prison respectively.
Police arrested them in July 2, 2008. Police found 20 bombs, of which 16 were considered ready to be exploded. Muhammad Hasan, Singaporean, joined Jamaah Islamyah and Osama bin Laden's network in Afghanistan. After five months of training, Hasan joined Azhari's network. This group planned to hijack airplanes and attack Changi Airport in Singapore.
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