Saturday, June 20, 2009

Jalan Tengah Economy

Middle Path sometimes is considered equivocal, undecided, in doubt or deliberately deceptive. But Middle Path is also considered the wisdom of Confucius. As Mencius so aptly says, "Confucius did not go to the extremes." Anthony Giddens calls it "third way". In Indonesia, president candidate SBY calls it jalan tengah to counter the attacks of neoliberalism label classified by Giddens as "second way". 

According to Giddens, there is a First Way of "old-style social democracy" which had excessive faith in the State, and the Second Way is neoliberalism or the New Right, which puts too much trust in the market. The Third Way lies between the Old Left and the New Right. (Brian Roper, Socialist Review, 2003)

President candidate SBY describes Indonesia's economy is currently subscribing to the so-called jalan tengah or middle way. "We're not subscribing to neoliberalism, nor communism, but middle way that pro-people," SBY said in his first campaign speech.

SBY said there are several pillars to support the Middle Path Economy in order to secure the equality and justice for all people. One of the pillars, he said, is the prevention of corruption, collusion, and nepotism due to conflict of interests between public officers and their own business. (Look who's talking! Where was this guy in the past five years?)

He further said..."I don't believe in development theory that give priority to high economic growth and through market mechanism would create equality. The trickle down effect theory has proven to be ineffective."

Neoliberalism, SBY said, promotes privatization, cutting down subsidies, promote trade liberalization, and give wider role to international financial and multinational institutions. (Wonder whether privatization of education in the past few years is not part of the neoliberalism route.)

He reiterated his 2004 campaign, pro-job, and pro-growth. Unfortunately, no details provided of how the pro-poor, pro-job, and pro-growth promises would be delivered through policies. But SBY did mention about programs like direct cash assistance, people's business credit (kredit usaha rakyat), PNPM Mandiri, rice for the poor, free education for the poor, free medical treatment for the poor, and other assistances.

US president Barrack Obama is being labelled with New Socialism for his programs. Strong government intervention in solving the financial crisis, boost in healthcare program, broad expansion of the welfare state, green energy, green jobs, and the rich-will-pay the stimulus program, cost Obama the label. (Jim Gilmore, Obama's New Socialism, April 29, 2009)

Frankly, ordinary people don't understand about the terms, old-socialism, new-right, neoliberalism, socialism, etc. And of the most important, they don't really care about such terms. They care more on how they could get jobs, get better pay, lower costs of living, affordable education and medical services. Unemployment rate is still high, while number of people living below absolute poverty is increasing. Meanwhile social-economic gap between the rich and the poor, between urban and rural areas, between Java and outside Java, between west and eastern part, between ethnic groups, between religions (freedom), between criminals and victims, between taxpayers and public officers, etc. 

Reinterpreted: Middle Path means:

1) Don't want privatization for state-owned enterprises, except for public schools, water supply, public transportation, hospitals, etc.

2) Trade liberalization, selected, but subject to who select the products to be or not to be liberalized.

3) No to too strong government intervention, except to bailout Lapindo mudflow. 

4) No conflict of interest between public officers and business, except if they're big contributors or close friend/allies.

5) No to strong role of international financial institutions, except those linked to our party or group.

6) Maintain direct cash assistance, because it's important to ease the pain even though it will not cure the illness.

7) Government wants to eradicate corruption, but not collusion and nepotism, and not if the implicated ones are our friends.

8) Government wants to trimming down inequality, but doesn't want to raise tax for the haves nor supporting significant increase in salaries.

9) Government wants to promote democracy, but please don't criticize government, our party, and our cronies.

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