Wednesday, May 27, 2009

SOEs officers in politics

It is easy to talk. Last year, state-owned enterprises ministry issued a regulation that forbids member of board of commissioners, directors, and civil servants from active participation in political campaign for a certain president candidate. In reality? Well, Sutanto, former National Police Chief and president commissioner of state-owned Pertamina, is an active leader of Pro SBY Movement. By law, it's a crime. BUT....

Sutanto is member of advisory board of Gerakan Pro SBY or Pro SBY Movement with Suratto Siswodihardjo as chairman. Suratto is also executive of SBY's Demokrat Party, and since 2006 has served as commissioner of state-owned airport management company PT Angkasa Pura II. Well, at least according to the company's website, Suratto is still listed as commissioner.

Muhayat, deputy minister for state-owned enterprises, is also chairman of Barisan Indonesia (Barindo) which has declared its nationwide support for SBY's reelection. Muhayat is also vice president commissioner of state-bank Mandiri.

Andi Arif, commissioner of PT Pos Indonesia, is also secretary general of Jaringan Nusantara (JN) which is campaigning for SBY. Akhmad Syakhroza, commissioner of state-owned toll road developer PT Jasa Marga Tbk, is also the chairman of expert council at Demokrat Party.

What the law says?

Law No. 42/2008 about presidential election stipulates clearly in the Article 41 point 2.d. that campaign teams are not allowed to bring into the campaign activities all the officers of state-owned enterprises. Point 3 of the same article also forbids the SOEs officers become campaign team members. Article 44 of the Law No. 42 also forbids SOEs officers from conducting activities (meetings, suggestions, etc) that clearly support one of candidates. Violation to all of these articles are considered election crimes. SOEs minister Sofyan Djalil had actually issued a circular to implement these articles.

The question, once again, can they implement that consistently?



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