Monday, February 05, 2007

Tempo goes blog

Tempo claimed itself the first 'traditional media' to do blogging at Koran Tempo wrote today that the blog will have all journalists & editors of Tempo magazine, Koran Tempo, & Tempo News Room as the bloggers. I've read first few posts and one post about 'drama on flood news directed by TV reporter/presenter' attracted lots of comments!

Four Tempo journalists have posted and I bet if all the reporters/editors write one article/day, this new blog would easily leapfrog Or may be, just may be, they'll follow Washington Post's blog with sub-blogs like Achenblog for Joel Achenbach or Liz Kelly's Celebritology. So may have respective blogs for each journalist like Mettalog for Metta Dharmasaputra or Metenglog for Mohammad Teguh.
They could also follow New York Times blogs like The Caucus (politic), Bits (technology), pogue (technology), Screens (film), The Lede (breaking news) etc.
Wall Street Journal do the same. Now, Tempo is the first mainstream media in Indonesia going blog.
As Peggy Noonan, contributing editor for The WSJ said, blogging changes how business is done in American journalism. The MSM isn't over. It just can no longer pose as if it is The Guardian of Established Truth. The MSM is just another player now. A big one, but a player. That's in America. Could this happen here? I don't know.
Anyway, for Tempo, Welcome To Blogist (Blogger-Journalist) or Blo-Jo (be careful when read this!) Society or Blogosphere, whichever you like the most!
Once again, I pick up Ms Noonan's article: The blogosphere isn't some mindless eruption of wild opinion. That isn't their power. This is one of them:
They use the tools of journalists (computer, keyboard, a spirit of inquiry, a willingness to ask the question) and of the Internet (Google, LexisNexis) to look for and find facts that have been overlooked, ignored or hidden. They look for the telling quote, the ignored statistic, the data that have been submerged.
Bloggers have an institutional advantage in terms of technology and form. They can post immediately. The items they post can be as long or short as they judge to be necessary. Breaking news can be one sentence long.



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