Tuesday, February 06, 2007

One Child Policy

VP Jusuf Kalla throws another ball game: One Child Policy in Java; Many Childs Policy outside Java! As reported by Tempointeraktif.com, Kalla said Java has been too crowded and susceptible to floods. "So, if necessary, it's better to have only one child per family in Java. But people in Papua need to have five kids to prosper."

He didn't say Javanese, Sundanese, Chinese, or Papuanese. He mentioned people live in Java, Papua, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, and other areas. Should such policy implemented, I can't help to think of its impact on the country's political landscape in 20 years time, which is good.
I thought when we implement regional autonomy, giving more money & authority to local/regional administrations, we could move people away from Jakarta. But I'm dead wrong. Regional Autonomy gives more money to officers only to come more often to Jakarta!
"No we have 6-1 officers all over the country, those who spend six days in a week in Jakarta/other cities/countries for leisure, lobbying, shopping, and one day in their administrative area," one political analyst said.
"We have more local/regional officers as the buyer. They buy for investment or leisures," one apartment salesman said.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What if ...

1. I lived in Papua for few years and have 5 children

2. My company promote me and I have to move to Jakarta

3. I want to bring my 5 children

4. Ah ... there is a policy that stated only 1 child for people live in Java Island

5. So ... I leave my 4 children in Papua so I can live in Java without any worry the police or other authority will force me out of Java.

Good policy JK!!!
I have more money to save ...

Maybe next policy will stated like this

Every family live in Java only consist of ONE person.

February 13, 2007 6:05 PM  

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