PLUS Expressway's major inroads
Malaysia's PLUS Expressway Berhad has made major inroads into Indonesian toll road projects with the acquisition of 55% share in PT Lintas Marga Sedaya, the holder of the biggest concession in the Trans Java Expressway that may cost USD600 million. The subsidiary of Khazanah is also competing in bids for another three toll road projects. Now I realized what a Khazanah executive told me last month. "We have a dream to operate an integrated expressway system here like what we have in Malaysia," he said. Will the dream come true? Who are the key local partners?
Labels: Toll Road
Bang Ardi
Why is it that your blog these days contain less and less analysis?
You stated headline news that we all have read (from your reknown Bisnis Indonesia if not other sources), threw in some tantalising questions ... and that's the end of the blog.
Some entries even only have titles, and no text at all following the titles. What's happening ?
So PLUS Expressways want to build Trans Java toll road perhaps. We wish them the best of luck. We need to see how efficiently the Government can help them to clear land for the toll road, or whether this project will end up as failures / no-starter like any other projects from the two Infrastructure Summit that Indonesia hosted with such great fanfares.
Mr. Ardi,
It's about time. I hope there are more infrastructure project been done in Indonesia, so people can enjoy the facility.
Indonesia need to grow but we need more infrastructure to grow. There are so many Infrastructure Project been published, let's hope this will come true, finally.
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