Friday, November 17, 2006

Golkar recommends cabinet reshuffle

Golkar Party's national leadership meeting recommends a cabinet reshuffle, Koran Tempo quoted party executive Theo L. Sambuaga. That's considered the price of the party's continuing support for SBY's leadership. But wait a minute! SBY was directly elected by people, not political parties. So, he is not obliged to follow the party's recommendation. But I do agree to unseat those cabinet members who really do nothing to support SBY's programs and busy to secure their seats.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are a few Golkar ministers who might need replacing here as well! Time for the annual reshuffle. Indonesia's GDP numbers look ok, but hide a very weak investment figure - that is the key for longer term growth. Indonesia needs tax incentives (done) lower tax rates (coming), pro investment policies (where?), more flexible labor laws (where?) to get people working agian.

November 17, 2006 2:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Golkar = a club of big time corruptor. Need more say why they want to reshuffle cabinet ?

November 26, 2006 1:57 PM  

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