Berlian divest another vessel
PT Berlian Laju Tanker (BLTA) Tbk, a marine transport company listed in Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) and Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX), is planning to sell one unit of vessel of the company's fleet to Singapore-based First Ship Lease (FSL) Ltd at US$45 million. BLTA divested two chemical tankers in May.
The vessel, named Prita Dewi, will be leased back by BLTA. The vessel is chemical tanker with 19,990 DWT tonnage. FSL is owned by HSH Nordbank AG, Bayerische Hypo-und Vereinsbank AG, and Schoeller Holdings Ltd.
BLTA is owned by PT Tunggaladhi Baskara (45.35%), Mr Widihardja Tanudjaja (0.06%), Berlian Employees Cooperative (0.06%), and public (54.53%). The company has total assets of Rp7.68 trillion as of June 30, 2006 and net profit of Rp547 billion. In 2005, BLTA booked net profit of Rp645 billion.
Read previous articles:
1) Berlian to divest two chemical tankers
2) Berlian on US$600 million actions
The vessel, named Prita Dewi, will be leased back by BLTA. The vessel is chemical tanker with 19,990 DWT tonnage. FSL is owned by HSH Nordbank AG, Bayerische Hypo-und Vereinsbank AG, and Schoeller Holdings Ltd.
BLTA is owned by PT Tunggaladhi Baskara (45.35%), Mr Widihardja Tanudjaja (0.06%), Berlian Employees Cooperative (0.06%), and public (54.53%). The company has total assets of Rp7.68 trillion as of June 30, 2006 and net profit of Rp547 billion. In 2005, BLTA booked net profit of Rp645 billion.
Read previous articles:
1) Berlian to divest two chemical tankers
2) Berlian on US$600 million actions
Labels: Chemical
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