Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Kalimantan-Java pipeline: The Winner is...

The downstream oil and gas regulatory body (BPH Migas) is scheduled to announce the winner of the tender to build a 1,219 km gas pipeline transmission from East Kalimantan to Java Island by the end of this week. Could it be Bakrie Group, PGN or Barata?

Some newspapers reported earlier that BPH Migas has picked PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Tbk, the listed state-owned gas transmission company, as the winner. But BPH Migas declined to confirm that.
PGN is teaming up with China's CNOOC and financial support from Asian Development Bank (ADB). It's not clear who support Bakrie's financing in the project.
Bakrie, meanwhile, is trying hard to convince public that its offer is better than PGN with cheaper cost. The pipeline is estimated to cost US$1.2 billion.
Bakrie offered gas transmission tariff of US$0.769/MMBTU with IRR 12.29%, Barata tariff at US$1.1/MMBTU with IRR 14.4%, and PGN at US$0.98/MMBTU with IRR 12%.
The bidding was a bit nasty when PGN claimed that its bidding document had been leaked to its competitors.
Read my previous posts on this topic:
1) East Kalimantan-Java gas pipeline
2) Clash of the Titans in Indonesian gas

3) Bakrie company bags US$84 million

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fishy! I am still questioning why this project started in the first place. It was float by the then Coordinating Minister Bakrie. There is not enough deposit to sustain supply, the exisiting one are locked for delivery to Japan/Korea/China, new trains are being build. Why don't government use the exisiting port and sea transport. Bottom line is: this is just throwing money to the sea. mark my words. :-D

July 13, 2006 1:05 PM  

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