Probosutedjo sentenced four years, went missing?

A panel of Supreme Court (MA) judges hearing Probosutedjo`s appeal has endorsed the Central Jakarta District Court`s verdict sentencing the businessman to four years in prison, an MA spokesman said.
MA director for legal and judicial affairs Suparno told reporters here on Tuesday Probodutedjo was also ordered to return to the state Rp100.931 billion which he had embezzled from the Reforestation Fund.
State prosecutors planned to execute the verdict and detain Probosutedjo today. The step-brother of former president Soeharto would stay behind the bars of Cipinang jail for four years. His nephew, Tommy Soeharto, was in the same Cipinang jail three years ago before authorities move him to Nusakembangan, Central Java after he built a 'palace' inside the penitentiary.
But journalists found that Probosutedjo might went missing. They spotted the businessman at his office this morning, but Probosutedjo skipped journalists to a mysterious place. How about his house?
Antara reported that the house is quiet after two cars leaving the compound. The security officer at the house said Probosutedjo's wife and children were in the cars. meanwhile dismissed the possibility of exiting the country as custom authority imposed overseas travel ban on Probosutedjo since October 12, 2005. But who knows? So many fugitives out there, thanks to fishy deals at the airports.
Where is Probo?
MA director for legal and judicial affairs Suparno told reporters here on Tuesday Probodutedjo was also ordered to return to the state Rp100.931 billion which he had embezzled from the Reforestation Fund.
State prosecutors planned to execute the verdict and detain Probosutedjo today. The step-brother of former president Soeharto would stay behind the bars of Cipinang jail for four years. His nephew, Tommy Soeharto, was in the same Cipinang jail three years ago before authorities move him to Nusakembangan, Central Java after he built a 'palace' inside the penitentiary.
But journalists found that Probosutedjo might went missing. They spotted the businessman at his office this morning, but Probosutedjo skipped journalists to a mysterious place. How about his house?
Antara reported that the house is quiet after two cars leaving the compound. The security officer at the house said Probosutedjo's wife and children were in the cars. meanwhile dismissed the possibility of exiting the country as custom authority imposed overseas travel ban on Probosutedjo since October 12, 2005. But who knows? So many fugitives out there, thanks to fishy deals at the airports.
Where is Probo?
Rumor said his blood tension increased significantly yesterday after receiving the verdict. But no statement from prosecutors of where is Probo.
Labels: SOEHARTO Inc
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